Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Loving My Dogs

I love my dogs. Plain and simple. They are the cutest damn things God has ever blessed me with, of course, except my sons. Bad grammar, I know, but I don't care. I love those dogs; Tanner, my boy, and Sydney, my girl. They are both Shitzues but the loves of my life; besides my family, of course. They bring such comfort. When Jack and I were dating I had an aunt who had a dog named Buffy. Jack and I were awful to her; well, not to her face, but behind her back. We were horrible to her about Buffy. About how she babied Buffy too much; how crazy she was because she treated Buffy like a baby. My aunt didn't have any children. I do and I am 50 times worse with my two dogs than my aunt ever was with Buffy. I wish she were alive so I could apologize. I finally get that love. I finally understand how precious the furry kids can be.