Monday, September 27, 2010

Bluffton KOA

This week I am taking a break from reality. I wanted some time to myself to meditate, pray, and catch up on my blogging. Anyhow, my two dogs and I are getting some R &R. However, today I rode my bike in to Wal-Mart to buy dog food, a 14 mile round trip. Usually a piece of cake. But today I had to ride back in a down pour and I can't count the jerks who got so close to my bike I could feel the wind from their trucks. I say trucks because it seemed most were young, males who didn't have that extra 3 seconds to get over, thus assuring that they wouldn't kill me.

The weather was cool but nice and sunny most days. Except for the down pour day it was a usual Indiana fall days. I have enjoyed the time away from the day to day responsibilities. Just me and my furry friends. Bill, Terry and Brenda did come up to see me Wednesday. I loved it. The weather was nice enough to sit out and chat and walk around the campground through the fallen colored leaves. All of us were thinking of what lay ahead for Terry, the battle she was facing but no one wanted to talk about it much. Fearing the worst, praying for the best. Terry has been in our family for almost 40 years. She is our family and knowing that she has cancer but not knowing what it is doing to her body or what the chemo will do to her hurts my heart constantly. Prayer is on my lips constantly for her and Bill. Janet