Thursday, December 29, 2011

December 29, 2011

Well, Christmas is over.  I love the holidays with our sons.  It's a quiet, uncomplicated time together but our love for one another is ever present and Jack and I are always reminded of the blessing God has given us when it comes to the respect and love of our sons.  They are grown men now but we are often still moved to tears as our hearts swell with the love our sons show us. Between you and me they are the men they are today, the caring sons they are because their dad paved the way for them; showing them how to respect their parents just as Jack showed for his parents. 

Five days and counting.  I keep praying that the weather will hold out.  Last year we ran in to a total freaking snow mess.  Clear skies in Indiana but the minute we hit Kentucky the snow gods came out to play.  Seemed the snow followed us all the way to Alabama.  I do not want a repeat of last year, going up the back side of a mountain, in total darkness with only the headlamps guiding our way in unknown terrain, and me bargaining with God all the way up.  It was so scary that I was actually afraid to move.  Was afraid any sudden movement to the right would send us hurling over the side of a mountain. 

Keeping our fingers crossed.