Monday, December 24, 2012

Moon halo and Christmas decorations

Well Janet really did pull one over on me big time by surprising me with a 60th birthday party last Friday night.  It seems every 20 years she throws me a surprise birthday party.  I told her I'll be looking for it and will be better prepared on my 80th birthday so it won't be such a big surprise.

Last night on our last walk with the dogs the moon had a very large distinct ring around it that we later learned was called a halo.  We went back to the 5er to get the camera so we could try and take a picture of this halo and of some of the Christmas decorations around the park.  People do all kind of things and go to different lengths as far as decorating for Christmas goes.  Below are some of the pictures but the camera doesn't do that great at taking  pictures of lights when it's pitch dark.  It may also be the operator.

We had a large Christmas dinner planned at Bob and Gayle's party tent with several other couples but the weather forecast is calling for thunder storms with high winds and possible tornadoes so the dinner got cancelled.  People here tend to worry much more about the weather than we do.  We even had a friend stop by and ask us if we wanted him to stop by and wake us up tonight to take shelter in the restroom in the event of a tornado warning.  I told him no we are more the type to sleep through and if it's meant to happen it's going to happen.  As far as dinner goes we are going to Pensacola to Chow Tyme for Chinese.  At least we heard all of the Chinese restaurants were open Christmas day.  We could have cooked but didn't want to.  We would rather go to Pensacola and eat Chinese. Don't feel bad for us because this isn't just any Chinese restaurant... it is awesome.

We told our sons that we didn't plan to be here over Christmas but our plans changed when we decided to move south to Okeechobee, Florida on December 27th.  We told them in the future we plan on being closer to them so we can spend some time with them around the holidays.  Even if it's only a couple of days that is what we plan to do in the future.  If we buy a house in Florida or are in the 5th wheel we plan on going home to Warsaw for 2-4 weeks around Thanksgiving and Christmas.

Below are some pictures of decorations and other things.  Be sure to read about the 92 year old man who pulls his travel trailer to Gulf State park.


The travel trailer below belongs to a gentleman who is 92 years old and lives alone.  He pulls the trailer here with a dodge truck.  He spends several hours every day sitting at table ;in front of a big two way radio where he talks to and does Morse code with people from all over the world.  He said this is something he learned how to do when we was in the service.  He also plays the guitar with others in the park periodically.  He is very hard to talk to because he rarely pulls himself away from his radio. 
Other people in the park told us of a woman who is 90 years old who drives a motor home by herself from Missouri to Gulf State park after the first of the year.  She apparently has been doing this for many years.  There are people in the park who kind of look after her even though they say she is very independent.

The ring around the moon is really neat.

This is our snowman that will be finding a new home in a couple of days.