Wednesday, December 12, 2012

The Christmas tree is up.

We debated whether or not we would actually put up a Christmas tree this year in the 5th wheel with the space limitations and the fact that we are moving right after Christmas but we decided yesterday to get a small artificial one for one of  the end tables.  We put the lights and ornaments on it last night and it really adds to making it more festive in the 5'er.  On Thursday we plan on going to Mobile, Alabama to visit Bellingrath Gardens the home of the Magic Christmas in Light display.  The property where Bellingrath Gardens is located was purchased in 1917 by Walter Bellingrath who had the first Coca Cola bottling operation in Alabama.  The story goes he was turned down by every bank in Montgomery before finally putting together $1500 to buy what many thought was a fad franchise to bottle Coca Cola.  The 65 acre property was originally to be used as a fishing camp but in 1935 the family built a 10,500 square foot mansion here as their permanent residence after running out of room where is wife could grow more plants in their downtown Mobile city home. While the home is open to the public year round I have heard it is really fantastic around the holidays' with it over 3 million Christmas lights.  We will post pictures after our visit and let you be the judge.  In the meantime here are some pictures of our Charlie Brown Christmas tree.

This picture is without the flash

This picture gives you the perspective of how small the tree is but it works for us.