Friday, November 15, 2013

Pictures of the motorhome after our Atlanta encounter and some of our new location

Here are the pictures I said I would post in my blog yesterday.  The damage is cosmetic.  The motorhome still drove great and the doors and everything seem to be fine.  Once the adjuster looks at it I will get some wax and will try to remove the marks.  I think most of them will come off since they appear to be scuffs from plastic or rubber and not scratches.

If you stand back and aren't looking for it the damage is hardly noticeable.

Now I will show some close ups.  This is where the damage starts in the picture to the right which is above the step.  How you could not see this motorhome and turn into it is beyond me but accidents happen so it's no biggy since no one got hurt.

 You can't see it in the picture very well but the wheel is scratched
 This is just behind the front wheel
 Again this is the compartments toward the front behind the front wheel
 When you step back a ways it's hard to see the damage.  I think some of it will come off with a little polishing.
 Here are pictures of our site in this little state park in Florala, Alabama.  The left side of the lake is in Florida and the right side is in Alabama hence the name Florala.   It is overcast today but this is a beautiful area and a great camp site.  Hopefully the sun will come out in the next few days while we are here.

 The site next to us is our friends Mike and Eileen who we spent time with last winter in Alabama and Florida.