Friday, January 17, 2014

Day One Post Operation

We had to be at the hospital yesterday at 7:00 am to get ready for my surgery which actually got under way at about 9:20.  Leading up to the surgery I spent a lot of time finding the correct doctor/surgeon.  My doctor was an Orthopedic surgeon who specialized in foot and heel surgeries and sports medicine.  I wanted someone who was going to get me back to being active not just getting be back so I could just get around without pain.  I didn't do anything to pick the hospital since this is the only place in Fort Myers that falls within the Aetna network.  My doctor does perform surgeries at a surgery center but unfortunately this was not in the Aetna network. During my research finding a doctor many people tried to persuade me to not have the surgery at Lee County Memorial hospital.  I later found out why.  The hospital was just not the caliber that hospitals were for my previous six surgeries.  It wasn't just one thing but everything.  I hope I am not sounding like some snooty asshole because believe it or not I rarely complain even when I receive bad food or service unless it gets really bad.  I did have several nurses and others who were great but the overall treatment I received was by far the worst of my now seven surgeries.

The one thing that was great was my surgeon.  My surgery lasted just over one hour and he was able to remove the bone on the back of my heal without having to resect my Achilles tendon.  He would not even let me know this may be possible in the office visit since the likely hood of being able to do this was very low.  When Dr. Schwartz spoke to Janet after my surgery Janet said he was almost giddy in describing the results of the surgery.  He said my tendon stretched over the bone deformity but snapped back into place once the bone was cut down and removed.   He told Huli it was the largest Haglund's deformity he had ever seen.  I hope after recovery I will be able to walk and do other things without pain. 

After the surgery we were on our way at around 12:30.  I climbed into the back seat and away we went.  I have a pain pump about the size of a softball that runs to my sciatic nerve in my right leg.  This is basically a ball full of narcotics that is under pressure with a regulator attached that lets you dial up your pain relief between 1-14.  I have left it on 8 even though the nurse said I should turn it up.  My strategy is to keep it at the lowest level where I am still comfortable since it will last longer
that way.  If you leave it on 14 it will be depleted much faster than leaving it at eight.  I also take pain pills every six hours to cover other areas of the surgery that the sciatic nerve pain pump doesn't cover. I am laying down on day two of ten where my toes are above my nose for 23 out of 24 hours per day.  So far so good.

I want to say Thanks to everyone who wished me well.  I know I will be up getting around in no time.
