Monday, January 6, 2014

Saw the Doctor Today - My surgery is January 16th

I went to see the orthopedic surgeon today to see about getting my right heel fixed permanently.  For those who don't know I have about one half of a golf ball bump on the back of my right heel.  I have had this for many years but it just started really impacting my mobility in the last few months.  I have been in pain just walking the last few months.  I have had some degree of pain for many years but have been able to just deal with it.  I have been to a podiatrist and to my regular physician who said don't mess with it because of the rehab involved with the surgery.  The pain is getting so great it has effected my ability to walk so today I learned what I already knew needed to be done.  They will resect my Achilles tendon and cut the bone off the back of my heel and will then reattach my Achilles tendon using four screws and an attachment device.  The surgery will last about an hour and will be done on an outpatient basis but sometimes turns into a day or so stay.  After the surgery the fun begins.  For the next ten days to two weeks I need to have my foot elevated for 23 out of 24 hours each day.  If I don't do that my foot will swell up like a watermelon and the recovery time will be increased exponentially.  Huli said she is ready to be the trooper and take care of me during this time (since we were teen agers she has always been there for me when I needed her).  We are getting walkers and knee walkers lined up so I can get around after the surgery.  The key is we need to get the motorhome headed north to Indiana the first of April.  My doctor, Jeremy, thinks this can happen with no problem but he stressed keeping my foot elevated 23 out of 24 hours for the first couple of weeks after the surgery.  He said swelling is the biggest problem with this kind of surgery.  Janet is pleading with me to do what he says and I plan on following his directions to the letter.