Saturday, September 12, 2015

Up the mountain, football, bears, and Livingston, MT

Today for the most part we stayed around the motor home partly so I could watch the Notre Dame football game.  Before the game I drove up a gravel road behind the rv park to the top of the mountain.  When I got to the top I took some pictures of the park.  I am not sure how people who live on top the mountain get up there in the winter time.  There is a sign that says tire chains are mandatory when ice or snow is present. After the game we went to Livingston which is north on route 89 about 52 miles from the rv park. That is the closest descent grocery store to Gardiner. On our way we stopped at a place that was about 10 miles down a gravel road that was suppose to have grizzly bears.  There were seven grizzly bears there but we couldn't see them because they were miles away.  The people watching them were using binoculars that were two feet long.  I thought my camera would work but they were too far even for it.  I think if I could have found them in my camera I may have been able to get a picture but at this distance it is very hard to find things especially things that are moving in tall grass.  Below I'll show how good my camera is at long shots. Some people with the two foot binoculars were nice enough to allow us to look through them to see the bears.

Here are a few pictures from today.

This is where I went this morning.  It's the mountain behind the rv park.

This is the town below from on top of the mountain

This is our motor home from the same spot on top of the mountain

This the yellow stone river taken from an old bridge we had to cross on our way to see the bears

You see a lot of horses around here

 I love this house
 We must be getting close
 Yep this is the spot

 This is where they said they were but I never could see them in the view finder

Livingston MT