Sunday, December 15, 2013

No see ums

I should have mentioned this in my last post but forgot.  This is kind of like payback for when I was younger and Huli would kind of laugh at me.  Me and Huli would go camping with the boys and usually me and Jason would get tore up with mosquito bites while Gabe would get a bit less and Huli hardly would be touched.  I had my reasons as to why this happened but won't go into that here. Well today is a new day.  Welcome to Florida and the home of the no see ums.  I can honestly say I have not been bit one time but they have tore Huli's ass up.  She swears she is staying inside and reading books until the first of April.  She walks at night with Sydney so the only thing we can think of is that is when she is getting bit.  She uses the skeeter stick after the fact but it doesn't seem to help.  I told her she better use the Skin So Soft religiously but it hasn't sunk in yet. 

Here is a picture of Huli's leg.  This is after she used half a stick of that skeeter bite stuff which smells like Absorbine Junior. I am not sure you can see them but she probably has 10-20 bites just on this leg.