Saturday, February 19, 2011

February 19 ,2011 We saw neat cars and our first alligator.

Today the local community had a seafood festival and car show to raise money for the local school sports programs.  We rode our bikes to the festival then made a loop down highway 59 and back across the coast to the campground.  Along the way we stopped at a small wildlife area where they had a wooden walkway built out over a marshland area with a small river.  This is where we finally saw our first alligator.   I think the temperatures getting up to about 80 today must have brought them out.  We didn't take many pictures today but after you get through the cars you might be able to spot our first gator.

This picture is looking at the alligator from the front.  Pretty hard to see. 

It's hard to see but the horizontal stick like figure is the alligator