Sunday, November 30, 2014

Our Last Day in Savannah, GA

While we have been to Savannah at least four times before this city has some very beautiful and special features.  First while having a refreshment on River St. We were sitting talking to a couple at the bar and were told the number one employer in Savannah is the port.  Dock workers make between $34 and $38 per hour and have overtime available to them to increase their take home pay significantly.  Savannah is the third largest dock in the eastern sea board behind New York and New Jersey.  If you are willing to work long hours you can bring home $140,000 per year with overtime.  The next largest employer is Gulf Stream Aerospace, an executive aircraft manufacturer, that employs several thousand people. Then you have Great Dane Trailers and International Paper.

But what makes this city special that you won't see anywhere else in the United States is the sights you see while driving around the historic district and the 22 squares you see around the city.  Some have fountains or monuments while some don't but they collectively make this city something very special.  Huli and I have seen them before and have stayed at a bed and breakfast in the historic district and while I said earlier this week I didn't care if we came into the Savannah historic district or not once we arrived I was in awe of the beauty these squares have to offer and at the houses and architecture that surrounds them.  It seems no matter that we have seen them several times before every time we see some of these sights it seems as if it is the first time. 

Here are some pictures from the last couple of days or so. Some I think are from the camp ground while some are from Savannah.

We leave tomorrow hopefully before noon.  We have to drive about four hours south to Titusville.  When we get to Titusville and The Great Outdoor Resort our priority is to get site that gets satellite.  Get our golf cart. Then start getting set up on the lot.  Getting the correct lot is important since we are going to be here for four months and not four days.  We will let you know how things go.

Things are close but this is a great rv park. 

What the hell is going on with I95?  Coming south we were stuck in bumper to bumper traffic jams until our GPS had us take route 17 to avoid it.  Our neighbors said they were in this the entire trip from South Carolina but never saw an accident or anything else to warrant the congestion.

The guy with the ball cap turned around backwards has lived in Savannah his whole life more or less.  He has left but always returns.  He works at the port and just got married about two weeks ago to the person sitting beside him that you can't see in this picture.

There is that sexy devil Hulio standing between the world

 Sorry if you have seen this before but I love this stuff.