Sunday, March 11, 2012


Hi Bill, you asked about our interview with the seniors from Ocala High School this week. You were interested in knowing what was asked and what we said.  Well, let me tell you one thing, Bill, if I were ever questioned by the police for any crime committed by me or someone else I'd totally confess. "Mrs. Miller, did you", and without even finishing their question I'd start confessing to everything I'd ever done.  "Yes, I did run that red light back in the 80's, and yes, I did put that no so nice note on the smart ass's windshield who cut me off in traffic and yes, yes, I confess, I do often lie about my weight and how much I drink in a week."  Asking to be interviewed in an impromptu situation reminded me of how suspects must feel when faced with answering questions under bright lights.

I will give you Jack's answers as well as mine.  Remember, though, we had no coaching or no preparation.  However, both of us stand by our answers.

By the way.....we could not hear what the other one was saying and our answers are not verbatim. Like I could remember that!

First question was....What is your definition of courage?

Jack....Standing up for things you believe in regardless of how uncomfortable or unpopular your beliefs may be or how it may affect you.

Janet....Today, Sandra Fluke represents courage to me.  To appear before Congress knowing her words could (and did) open her up to criticism from so many sides of the isle.

Second question was......What is an example of courage today?

Jack....You see courage displayed every day in many ways.  For example, people who go to work at jobs they hate in order to support their families is one example of courage.

Janet....The gays and lesbians who put their lives on the line for our freedom and yet have to fear the ridicule of their fellow soldiers because of who they are and whom they love.

Third question....Can you tell me of someone you feel shows courage everyday?

Jack....The men and women of the armed services who serve in places that are dangerous in order to keep us free.

Janet.....Yes, absolutely.  Our police, firemen and women, and our EMS personnel.  They are underpaid and under-appreciated every single day.  Even after 9-11, when so many gave their lives to save the lives of strangers,  many still do not receive the respect they deserve.  They are shot at, run in to fires and they do it because that's what they chose to do.  To help people.  There is no better display of courage, to me,  than those who choose to serve and protect.

And the funny thing about these questions is that I had not really thought about what courage meant to me.  Ever. Since that interview I think about it now all of the time.

Saturday 3-11-2012  12:20 a.m.

We went to an evening of entertainment tonight at the club house.  We always have so much fun when we are hanging around some of people here in the park. There were two entertainers; a man and a woman.  The woman dressed the part and impersonated several different singers:  Petula Clark, Patsy Cline, Dianna Ross, Marilyn Monroe, Nancy Sinatra and Brenda Lee. My sister was named after Brenda Lee.  I did not, though, that Brenda Lee was only 16 when she had her first number one hit. She was 14 when one of her songs went to number 4 on the charts.  So, I'm thinking that Taylor Swift wasn't the first to ride in that rodeo.  Unfortunately, I did not take my camera to the first part of the show.  By the time I came back to the RV to get the camera the show was winding down.  People were still dancing but the Elvis impersonator had changed in to more of Sonny (as in Cher) outfit so I really missed all of the good pics.

When I was in my 30's, 40's and early 50's I swear to you that I thought people over 60 years old were totally old and just waiting for death to come knocking at their door.  Now that I'm waiting for that knock, I'm realizing that we older people are just in older skin and grayer hair and have parts that sag more than they once did.  But inside we haven't changed all that much.  Here's an example.  Elvis, the impersonator was singing, handing out lays to some of the ladies. The lady next to me (whom I always thought to be prim and proper) received one of those lays.  She said to Jack, "Well, that makes twice I've been laid today." And we all know Jack Miller.  His comeback was "Oh heck, I would have really been impressed  had you said that lay made the third one today." Her comeback, quick and funny as hell, "Well, the day's not over yet!" I promised I wouldn't give her name but some of the pics attached are of her.

I've told Jack several times that one of the very classy ladies I know well here often says the four letter word, "F".He didn't really believe me.  Tonight, though, we sat next to her and she was telling us about her husband wanting to know why the "park internet"  was so DAMN slow. Our dear friend repeats to us the words she used when answering him, "Stan, for the 20th time today I "Fouking  DON'T KNOW why the fouking  internet is slow today."  I thought Jack Miller was going to fall out of his chair laughing so hard. It's the way she said it that made it so funny.

It was a fun, fun evening out. The entertainment they have here at the park is always really, really good. The most we've ever paid is $5.00 a ticket.  And beer is $2.00 a pitcher.

Sunday 3-11-2012

Today is overcast and cooler.  A good day to read a book.  Hope everyone has a great day.