Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Dog Days of Summer

Just kidding!  Couldn't think of another title so thought I'd grab your attention with that one.  It rained all day yesterday and most of the day today here at the park. Jack played golf today and said it didn't rain at the course. No, of course not; all of the rain was here along with the stinking, sticky humidity.  

Yesterday we waited for the race but since it was canceled I decided to run in to town and do laundry.  We all know how I absolutely LOATHE doing laundry at a laundromat.  We do have a really nice laundromat here in the park but since I had so much laundry to do I thought going to the laundromat in town would be quicker and easier. I'm thinking this gray hair of mine must have this poor, pathetic dilution  that it really is blond. Cause trust me, a blonder moment I've never had.  Almost 4 hours later I wanted to stuff my head in to a dryer and slam the door several times.  To make matters worse when I finally finished folding the clothes the good Lord opened up the skies and emptied every rain drop available directly on the laundromat.  Adding insult to injury the laundromat had a rain spout that emptied right on to the back stairs; which of course I parked in the back. My shoes and jeans were soaked.

Thank goodness Jack carried it all in and helped me put it away.  Not to mention he fixed a wonderful dinner.  His delicious pasta brought me back in from the ledge.

March 6, 2012

Haven't posted anything lately because, well, quite frankly, haven't done a whole heck of a lot to write about.
I know some people can make an entertaining post about brushing their teeth but I can't.  When I read things like that, I'm like, "Oooooooooooooouuuuuuuuu! Really?"  So, although I promise we have brushed our teeth many times, I'll spare you that boredom.

Last Friday we made a trip south of where we are staying right now.  We were looking at different options for next year.  We chose this park because it is so close to Withlacoohie bike trail. However, when we want to ride we have to load up the bikes (well, ok, Jack loads the bikes) and go to the trail and unload the bikes.  Although the trail is probably 1/2 mile from our park, the road to get to the trail is a busy, busy, busy highway and chances of getting to the trail in one piece, via the road, are slim to none.  So, all of our plans of "getting healthier" through bike riding every day has not come to pass.

And after spending a week in Key West Jack and I both knew what was best for us and the way we wanted to spend our winter months.   We LOVE being where the "action" is; we love being able to ride our bikes anywhere and everywhere we want to go. Although neither one us are water sports people we enjoy being close to the water.  Like last year in Gulf Shores state park.  We very seldom used the truck.  We rode our bikes to WalMart, supermarkets, restaurants, and the beach. Everything we wanted or needed was within reach on our bikes.  So, after talking to our son, Gabe, who spent a week plus in Bradenton, Florida and shared with us everything that area had to offer, we decided to check it out.

For those of you who don't camp or RV, Florida  RV parks are notorious for tiny sights. Pack em in and make em pay. Seriously, that should be Florida's RV parks motto.   Someone told Jack that when he and his wife stayed at a Florida RV park a few years ago they couldn't even put out their awning because they would have hit their neighbors RV.  Call me crazy but this generation wants their space.  We don't like people getting all up in our face, touching us without permission, or camping so close to us that if someone sneezed or farted the other RV'ers could hear it.  Our site here at Beverly Hills is exactly that way.  The people here at Sandy Oaks are unbelievably awesome.  From the office staff, Rosemary, the owners, Doug and Ann, and lastly the friends we've made here at the park.  And if we were to be honest JoAnn and Wally made our decision to find another park for next year one of our most difficult decisions in a long while.  I didn't want to tell them because I knew I'd cry.  Jack wanted to be truthful.  I said I'd email JoAnn AFTER we leave.  As we all know (or at least those who know me) I do not handle goodbyes very well.  I get all dramatic. I thought that not telling them was "our" agreement.  But last week when we went out to lunch with JoAnn and Wally Jack flapper jawed our decision.  I was sitting in the backseat with JoAnn and couldn't even look at her. You know that proverbial pink Elephant in the room that no one talks about?  Well, trust me, he was sitting right there in the car with us.  I knew I'd start crying if I looked at JoAnn.  We ate our lunch outside of the restaurant and when JoAnn and I were alone I did cry.   It's as if the four of us have known each other for years and saying goodbye is going to be so hard.  I wanted to sneak out in the middle of the night or on a day when we knew they'd be gone.  But we aren't going to take my chicken way out.  We will be leaving here on April 1st. and heading to Jacksonville to spend a week visiting with Carol and Lori.

The park that we found was actually a fluke.  We had looked at many parks and found not one we would want to stay in.  Too crowded, too dirty, too this, too that.  Nothing had that "WOW" factor we were looking for.  We headed back home.  While on the way home we discussed stopping at one last RV resort.  We had read about this particular resort on line but knew it was difficult to get in.  But we stopped anyhow.  We loved it and were able to secure a spot for next year.  It is adjacent to Pinellas bike trail (37 miles and no more loading bikes) and we can bike to anything and everything we want in a matter of minutes.  The Gulf is within 3 miles and shopping is as close as the next block.  Beautiful.  We are thrilled about our decision, except for leaving JoAnn and Wally and other friends we've made here at the park.

Have some other things to share with you but we are heading in to town right now. Tomorrow we're making a day trip to Daytona.  I've always wanted to take our truck on the beach at Daytona and during Bike Week (starting Friday) you can't get any where near that beach.

P.S. Forgot to tell you that two of the parks we looked at WOULD NOT permit pets. The park was full so there must be many more animal "haters" than I ever thought possible.  I really just don't get it.  It is a proven fact that pets can reduce stress in their owners by multitudes. When Jack and I were younger we lived next door to some very dear friends.  She grew up on a working farm in Nebraska.  Her idea of a pet was a cat or five in the barn chasing mice and a dog or two chasing cattle.  And honestly to say they were "pets" is my word, not hers.  I'll never forget the day she walked in to our kitchen where I was washing the dog bowls with bleach and Dawn. Her face showed a shocked look, "You wash your dogs bowls?", she asked. "Of course, I do.  Would you want to eat out of a dirty bowl?" "They're just dogs, Janet!"  Well, to many they are just dogs; just cats. But to many, many others they are friends and loved ones.  God tells us that He takes care of even the smallest sparrow. Why can't we give Him a hand and take care of and  love a few furry friends?  Needless to say we did a U turn very quickly and didn't either bother looking. At this park and the one we have lined up for next year is very pet friendly.  It's just Tanner who is not very pet friendly.