Friday, March 9, 2012

An Overcast day, a Little rain, and a ride on Daytona Beach

We spent the day puttering around  the RV for awhile, went out for breakfast and then headed to Daytona Beach.   You will notice that some of these pictures are out of order.  That's because Jack posts his pictures first and then I add mine.  Often we duplicate one another pictures, even though we try not to.
We drove our truck for several miles on Daytona Beach.  During Bike Week (started today) you can't get near this beach with your vehicle.  It was a rainy, overcast day and the waves were huge.

Ocalo, Florida is the Horse Capital of the World from world class trainers, champion lines, horse farms and lastly these "Painted Horses" found throughout the historic downtown.  We have included such of a few sampling of the beautifully painted horses.

Jack and I were interviewed for a high school project. The topic of the interview was what courage meant to us.

We stopped for breakfast.  Jack ordered the Gut Buster breakfast and I ordered my favorite "healthy" breakfast, biscuits and gravy.
This is Jack at the end of his breakfast.  Had we known this breakfast was so huge we would have just ordered this one and split it. My serving was too large as well.  I didn't finish mine either.
Inside of Redd's restaurant. Always busy.  Even on Wednesday at 10:30 a.m.
The front of Redd's restaurant.

Daytona Race Track

Our stop off at the Cabin Pub.
Before I took pictures I try to be polite and ask permission first.  When I ask this time several men got up and left the bar.  Jack said they were probably fugitives.


Harry's Seafood Bar and Grill. Notice there are no prices on this menu board. That's because before you could have a complete dinner you had to sell a kidney first.
This is the park horse April.  I've shared pics of her before. On April sits her owner, Brooke.