Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Spring Cleaning & Bike Week

It's 20 minutes to 1:00 a.m.  I'm tired, hungry, and in a sleep deprivation daze.  We went to Bike Week today and because I seemingly am getting shorter by the year today was really the day that all I could see from my vantage point was boobs and old, gray chest hairs.  What a picture.  If I were a little male person today would have been a smorgasbord of female body parts.  Trying to follow Jack through such a mob of people with stinky arm pits, big boobs and people with more tattoos than Jesse James, well it was not my best performance of being the lady my mother would be proud of.  Thank goodness Jack had on his neon T shirt cause I lost him in the crowd several times.  Without the shirt he was wearing I may still be looking for him.  I enjoyed watching everyone and the way they dressed and the one old fart who walked square in to a street light post (looking at blue daisy boob gal).  Now I don't care who you are that is funny.  We did have a nice day together but it was hot, sticky, crowded and quite frankly, seeing a 60 year old lady prancing around in a well low cut top or leather halter top is really not how I would prefer to spend a day; or 5 minutes.  All kidding aside, it is a very interesting gathering of people.  To be honest most seem to be in our age group.  Since it was also Spring break for some colleges there was also a lot of younger people there this year.  But they seem to be primarily on the beach.

My pictures of Bike Week will follow.  If you will be offended by scantily dressed girls I wouldn't even bother opening the picture blog.

But first I wanted to share a couple of pics of Tanner. Yesterday I washed all of our winter clothes, blankets, their beds, our bedclothes, etc.  I had about 10 loads of laundry but I was able to get the coat closet cleaned out and sucked in to a 6 inches in a Space Bag.  It was also an extremely warm day.  I didn't want to put the air on though cause as well as doing laundry I cleaned the RV. I was coming in and out the door most of the day so I knew using the air would be fruitless.  Anyhow, I came in from the laundry mat (here in the park) and found Tanner sound asleep in the shower stall.  I guess it was cooler in there.  Just a couple cute pics of him after I woke him up.

Can you tell I love my dogs?