Wednesday, March 21, 2012

The end of year Party at Sandy Oaks

JoAnn told us not to make any plans for Tuesday.  That was to be the end of the season party at Shady Oaks and remembering  past year end parties she knew it was going to be a ton of fun.  And she was so on target.

The park provided us with a wonderful meal (the theme was an Hawaiian luau) consisting of pulled pork, baked beans, potato salad, coleslaw and a roll. Beer and wine was free as well.  Lots of planned activities.  Jack and I participated in the balloon toss.We were really doing great until he tossed me the water filled balloon from approximately 7 ft. away.  I was getting tips from my fellow female game players. How to catch the balloon; how to throw it.  Well, I dropped it.  The gal next to me stepped back on it with her full weight. It didn't bust. The balloon DID NOT BUST!   I was ecstatic as I bent down to pick it up from the dust covered ground.  Wohoo!  We were still in the game.  My fingernail punctured the balloon. All  that was left was piece of blue latex. CRAP!!  And I really thought we had a chance.  Fun while it lasted.

I looked around and saw a bunch of we retiree's acting 16 again.  And it was fun.  A lot of fun.  There were no strangers today. We were all friends having a great time together celebrating life. Here's are some pics I snapped of the day.

This contest was a hoot.  The driver had to drive the golf cart blind folded.  The passenger was the one telling the driver which way to go, turn, etc.  There was an obstacle course set up and it was really a good time to watch. One lady told me that she and her husband almost came to a divorce during the practice run.


This is Fran, Ann and Jack.  They golf together on Mondays.  Fran is the local beautician.  Very nice people.

Here's Fran and Dick's motor home.  They are parked right across from the rec hall and front seats to the golf cart races.
Doug and Ann.  His dad and mom owned the park and passed it down to Doug.  He and Ann are going to be married in April.
Jen, Wally and JoAnn's youngest daughter.
The balloon toss after we were eliminated.

Grandma and new grand-daughter.

Mr. Social Butterfly.  Everyone in this park knows him. Some still call me "Jackie".
Wally and his "new" bar. 
Jack and a few of his buddies. Darrel, on the right, and Jack were on the winning scramble team in a golf match yesterday at a golf course about 20 miles away.

JoAnn.  Waiting for Jen and her family.
Raccoon eyes and Jack. Nothing left to say.

Don't ask! Did I mention the beer and wine was free?

Heading home after the party. Our RV sits directly behind Fran and Dick's. You can see ours through the trees next to the road.
Mr. Social Butterfly making his way home.

And he makes it safe and sound.