Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Our last week at Sandy Oaks

Today was Jack's last day playing golf with the park's league.  I'm sure it was bittersweet for him.  Tomorrow is our 41st. anniversary and we are sharing the evening with JoAnn and Wally.  I don't want to even think about telling them goodbye.  These past 3 months have gone by fast and we've met some very, very wonderful people and enjoyed ourselves tremendously. Many of the people will always be with us in thought.

Since today was my last "alone" day for awhile I decided to take a nice bike ride.  BUT getting to the trail head was the biggest task.  Word going around the park the last few weeks was that there was a huge rattlesnake in the woods along the back of the park.  Didn't remember that little bit of info until I was half way through the area adjacent to the woods.  And since the whole area was sand I had to walk my bike. I kept telling myself that "they are more afraid of me than I am of them." Fat chance of that being true but I plugged on, my eyes constantly scanning the ground.  Finally made it to the trail and promised myself  I'd just go as far as I felt comfortable and then turn around.  Well, well, well.  Another blond moment.  The wind was to my back so for the 12 or so miles I rode (two towns away from the campground) it was easy peasy.  I did manage to lose one of my waters so by the time I made it in to Inverness (where the laundry mat was, Gabe) I was sucking down the last drop of water from my one water bottle.  I picked up another bottle of water and a bottle of Diet Pepsi.  Rested for awhile and headed back.

While being alone on the trail I decided it would be a great time to call my sister.  There was nothing around me but the sounds of nature so where better to pull out the old cell phone?  We talked quite awhile before I approached the busiest highway between me and our RV park.  Now I have to admit I'm not the most
coordinated person on a bike, let alone with a cell phone in my hand and trying to cross 8 lanes of traffic.  I asked Brenda to hold on a second.  I began to cross the first 2 lanes.  My Diet Pepsi fell out of it's holder and rolled about 6 foot down the street. I looked at my soda, looked at the semi barring down on me and decided to return to the curb.  I watched as several cars passed, each one missing my bottle. Again I asked Brenda to hold.  I felt like that old frog game trying to dodge traffic but I am a very frugal person by nature and I just paid $1.45 for that bottle of pop.  I was not about to let it just lay there.  I do admit a car did have to stop for me but I was thankful they didn't blow their horn making me feel like a total loser.  Got my pop, crossed the other 6 lanes and proceeded to talk to my sister.

After ending our conversation I began to notice that the trail was becoming totally shaded.  I looked at my phone and realized I had been gone for nearly 5 hours.  I worried about the dogs.  I peddled faster.  And here is where my true hair color came through; I was riding against the wind.  What had I been thinking?  Thank goodness I ran in to a few people from our park.  I felt a little safer but the ride back for me was crazy hard.  My legs hurt, my face was sunburned and the Diet Pepsi that I was willing to give up life and limb for was now warm.  Nothing worse than warm soda.  YUK!

By the time I made it back to the park I wanted to fall to my knees and thank the Good Lord for my safe ride.  But as soon as I entered the park I saw my two babies being walked by my even bigger baby.  What a wonderful sight! 

P.S. I stuck my Diet Pepsi in the freezer and drank it the next day.  I was not about to give up that $1.45 come hell or high water.