Sunday, January 16, 2011

Jan. 16, 2011-Still at Montgomery Park

Jack's dad would have been 93 today.  It's so hard to believe he's been gone for 18 years.  We still miss him to this day.

I look like a homeless person.  Got so hot while hiking I started taking clothes off and wrapping them anywhere I could to wrap them.  Notice the walking sticks.  The boys had them engraved with Miller Time. 
Today was a quiet day.  A long, exhausting day but quiet.  We hiked up a fairly high hill and back down again.  I felt sure I was going to pass out one or two times.  I am here to tell you that the walking sticks the boys got us for Christmas have saved my limbs several times already.  The mountain still had some snow and where there was no snow there were lots of wet leaves and some rather larger broken limbs lying about.  For whatever, insane, what the heck were you thinking,  reason we thought it would be nice to take the dogs with us.  Tanner is 11 and acts his age most of the time but when he is outside and the Forest is his peeing post, well, he's like a kid in a candy store.  We saw an old home stead established in 1880.  It was in awesome condition and was built in two sections with a covered walkway separating the sleeping/sitting area from the kitchen/ dining area.  Both parts of the home had huge rock fireplaces.  The park left both doors open so one could peak back in to history at any given time.  I would have loved to have taken pictures to share but on the doors were locked iron gates that kept thieves at bay.  Next to the home was a very old, but very beautiful church also built in the 1800s.  There was a wedding being held there today and being female I wanted to stay and at least watch the bride get out of the car.  BUT football takes precedent over just about everything.

On our hike.  Even though  there was snow on the ground the sun was warm.


You can see the old Presbyterian church in the background.
Don't faint but this is Jack in a church.

When we returned from our hike the dogs were totally black, with twigs and leaves all over them.  There was no way we could take them in to the RV and we do have an outside shower just for the purpose.  BUT it was cold and I felt so bad for them.  Remember, though, I told you that showering your dogs in the bath house is a total no-no?  But since we were alone except for a few other campers that couldn't see us we decided to give it a shot.  Luckily, though, when Jack went to check out the bath house situation he found a laundry tub outside of the bath house in a secluded area sheltered from the wind.  Jack washed and I dried.  And as God is my witness those two dogs slept the rest of the day.  They woke long enough to go to bed.

The next day even my butt cheeks hurt.  OMG!!!  I felt as if I'd been hit by a bus and then back over.   But I'm ready to go again.  Tomorrow we are headed to Alabama.