Tuesday, January 25, 2011

A rainy Tuesday Jan. 25, 2011 at Wind Creek State Park

I heard the rain lightly hitting the RV roof before I saw it...I did not want to get out of bed but Ms. Sydney had other ideas.  It's funny; when we lived in the house she could sleep until noon if I chose to.  In the RV she wants up early and she will not let you sleep if she gets it in her head she's ready to start the day.  Last night I forgot to bring her bed in to the bedroom (in case she gets too hot and wants to sleep on the floor) and trust me she let me know about it from 4:00 until around 6:30 a.m.  It took me all of that interrupted sleep by her continual barking and whining to realize what was going on.  My bad.  Jack spoils her rotten but he sleeps right through the nightmare. So, anyway.....rainy, yucky start to the day ... and it only went downhill from there.

When I lived in a home with a washer and dryer I often said I'd rather take a beating than do laundry.  I hated it.  What a hassle; sorting, washing, drying, folding, yaddy, yaddy, yaddy.  I take it all back.  Doing laundry at a laundromat is the absolute worst....First of all, I am a little obsessive, compulsive when it comes to doing laundry. I wash the washer out first before doing a load of laundry.  And at home I knew whose cooties were going in the wash.  Secondly, I always, always, washed bath, wash, and kitchen towels twice in steaming hot water; and rinsed them twice.  But having heard so many cons about  an RV washer and dryer we decided against it even though we did have it plumbed for them should we change our mind in the future .  But this laundromat thing is driving Jack and I both a little nuts.  Between the two of us it took over 6 hrs. to do laundry.  The dryers alone cost us over $14.00. We thought having a laundromat here at the campground would be so convenient but  I swear the state purposely fixed it so the dryers would only dry clothes on the lowest setting possible so you had to keep feeding quarters like some slot machine.  By the time we were finished with laundry we were ready to go postal.  Instead we decided to treat ourselves to dinner.  Then it was back to the RV,  had a drink, watched some TV and went to bed.

As I told you in an earlier post that the lake here, Lake Martin,  has over 750 miles of shoreline. The picture below is one Jack snapped from the truck window of the lake.  This picture was taken 17 miles from our campground. A huge man made lake.