Sunday, January 2, 2011

Which way to Go

Our plans were to leave this coming Friday. Well, I guess plans are for changing. Today is Thursday and as I write we are on the road heading South. Our plans for the first night is to stop over in General Butler, Kentucky. From there, who knows?

We woke up today to a very cloudy, spitting snow kind of day. Made me happy that we have finally decided to do this thing. I have to be of the mindset though that this is the beginning of our "new" life. I've been a mess knowing I won't be seeing my sons, sister, brothers and
Terry for months but they know how much I love them and that is what is important. Jack and I have this incredible opportunity to see the country at our pace and see and do the things we've always wanted to do.

So--the day has dawned. It is here. God be with us and those we love. Down the Road a Piece we go.