Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Montgomery Bell State Park - Tennessee

It's 9:30 p.m. we are sitting here, totally stuffed after a wonderful meal of spaghetti and meatballs; courtesy of Jack. We went from 5/6 inches of snow to freezing our toes off. The dogs are already in bed and they haven't even had their last potty walk. For whatever reason they haven't appeared to have a very good day. We never hear a peep out of them as they sit in the backseat. The picture below is one of Sydney as she traveled most of the day. Tanner sits behind me so I couldn't get a picture of him.The blanket her Uncle Bill and Aunt Terry got them for Christmas are their favorite blankets. As long as they have their blankets they are fine .

As was the case at General Butler we are the only campers in the park. This time we were smarter than we were at General Butler. This time we made sure we were able to receive satellite tv before setting up the RV. Did I remember to tell you that we did end up moving sights at General Butler so that we could get reception? I remember the days when our sons were young and we camped in a tent and having electricity was a luxury. Now if we can't get the golden southern satellite signal our whole activity schedule is thrown for a loop. Jack has his games on Saturday and to be fair, being this cold and having no TV I'd probably go a little nuts in a few days myself. We've paid to camp here through Friday. We'll play it by ear. It's supposed to get warmer in a few days. We heard tonight on the news that all but one state has snow on the ground somewhere in their state. The lucky state without snow is Florida. It's cold there but no snow. We plan to be there the first of March for Carol, Jack's sister's birthday and the way our luck is going we'll bring the snow with us. Happy Birthday, C.J. Here's your snow!!!!

Okay, gotta close for now. Need to get the furry ones in their coats and since I DIDN'T BRING A COAT I have to put two hoodies on, a pair of boots, gloves, a scarf, a hat and anything else that I think may keep me warm. Oh, and the long underwear I had to buy two days ago. I can barely walk with all of those clothes but I figure if I fall I'll be well protected. I'll freeze to death as I won't be able to get up but I'll be nicely warm die a slow death.

Until tomorrow. If you should not hear from me someone may want to give Jack a call and ask if I returned from the dog walk. I'd appreciate it.