Thursday, January 27, 2011

Thursday Jan. 27, 2011 ---And they said hunting was difficult!!

After our visit to Montgomery yesterday we played it low key today.  I slept in late because I stayed up late watching TV and Ms. Sydney woke me AGAIN this morning at 6:30.  Yep, you guessed it; I forgot her bed again so she had to come out to the living room and sleep in her bed.  OMG!!  But she wasn't sleeping out there by herself without letting me know that she was one ticked off little animal.  When I finally rolled out of bed Jack had already gotten the grooming table set up for little Miss "I ain't sleeping out here by myself without making your night hell."

The first thing I noticed when I glanced out  the window was the beautiful sunny sky.  The second thing I noticed was the red headed woodpecker sitting outside of the window.  He was stunningly colorful and seemed not to be distracted by Jack and I starring at him, snapping pictures.

So, after getting dressed it was time to do the deed......I was not looking forward to grooming Sydney at all.  She was a good two weeks past her normal grooming day so she looked like a huge guinea pig walking around.  She smelled like one too.

I have to admit that Jack was right and I was wrong.  We didn't do half bad on Sydney's grooming.  She didn't looked bad at all.  And I'll bet you are all on the edge of your seat wondering how my anal gland procedure went with the dogs;  it didn't.  I'm still too chicken to try but I gathering up more courage everyday.  I need to watch more videos and drink a lot that day.  Perhaps then I'll TRY it.

After the grooming we had a late brunch, got our showers, took the dogs for a long walk and then decided to take a long bike ride.  Shortly after starting our ride we ran in to Fred and Ethel.  Jack stopped to talk to them, looked at me and said, "And they said hunting was hard.  Look here, I just found dinner." They both came right up to him. And the rule for me has always been, "You name em, you don't eat em."As if we would any way.

You can see how close this duck was to Jack. 

  Leaving Fred and Ethel to go about their merry way we visited the silo here in the park.  Walking up the stairs became kind of freaky for me after the first floor or so.  But the view was worth the nausea.

Jack totally looks like the cat who swallowed the canary in this pic.

Below is a pic of our RV from across the lake.

We continued our ride for awhile and Jack snapped a few more pics of the lake.  After that it was time to start dinner, make a trip to WalMart, and then relax for the night.  So, we are headed off for our last little walk before bedtime.  I do hope to get the Montgomery trip blog done soon.  That trip did give me goose bumps at times.  The history, the horror and the pride and honor of so many people who were willing to die for what they believed to be a just and equal society.   Their commitment to persevere for equality and honesty is something that is void in  many souls today.