Tuesday, July 9, 2013

At the pool at the RV Park in St Louis

We left this morning at around 8:30 am and pulled into the KOA in St Louis at around 4:00 pm with the temperature being 97 degrees the last time I looked at the thermometer.  About one hour after we arrived guess where Huli and I were.  The picture below will tell you.  We had a little issue with an electrical short in the cruise control on the way down so we headed toward a Freightliner shop to have it looked at when everything was ok again.  I thought with everything working it would be next to impossible to trace down the issue so we turned around and continued to our original destination, the rv park outside St Louis.  If the Freightliner shop would not have been so far out of our way I would have continued to their shop let them see if they could find the problem.  We knew we had a problem when I looked down and saw we were running 80 miles an hour.  I had the cruise set at about 65 mph.  The lady in the gps said "speed warning" a couple of times and I looked down as we were approaching 80. The motorhome really rides good even at 80.   We spoke to the mechanic on the phone and he said it may never happen again but you just don't know.  I suppose this is part of working out the bugs on a new motorhome.  This is one of the reasons we wanted to do this trip is to see what issues we have with the motorhome while it's still under warranty.  The coach warranty with Newmar is only 12 months but the chassis, engine and transmission warranty runs at least three years and up to five years on some things.  Many of the appliances and other devices have their own warranty.  We could also extend the coach warranty with a third party if we choose to.  These can be fairly reasonable if you do it before the original warranty expires.  We have a few months to go before we need to make this decision.  We will see how it goes between now and next February.

Here is our site.  It's a very long site but not the straightest.  It worked out great for us.

There are many other units in the park but they are hard to see for the trees. Here is one of the pull through sites.

Huli in the pool floating on her noodle.  I think she may have fallen asleep.  I was in with her as soon as I took the last picture.