Monday, July 29, 2013

Our last day in Williams, Arizona

After breakfast we rode our bikes into Williams and then walked around town for quite a while.  We went into many of the shops but they all had pretty much the same stuff.  We stopped for a refreshment in a biker saloon one block off the main street of town.  Since we didn't do anything else worth mentioning today's pictures are primarily from the inside of this establishment.  After lunch/supper back at the motorhome we plan on taking a car ride out in the mountains around Williams.  Tomorrow it is on to Page, AZ.  Enjoy the pictures.

You know you have too much time on your hands when you can spend an hour in the afternoon talking to a bartender named Rebel and taking pictures of little signs hung up on the walls of the bar.

 The entertainment has gone to the dogs this afternoon.


I guess pretty much anything goes around here.

We told them ours were locked up on the main street of town about a block away.


Rebel has 11 siblings and one of her sisters is named Yankee.  You can't make that kind of stuff up.