Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Our Trip to Page Arizona

 Today we left Williams after some good times and great experiences for our new destination which is Page, Arizona.  Page is around 217 miles away from Williams and the trip was beautiful.  We had a 49 mile detour since part of the road on Highway 89 south of Page slide down the mountain but this may have made our drive even more scenic.

Leaving Williams is kind of bitter sweet.  I won't miss the 7000 feet elevation but I will miss the cool temperatures.  Page is lower in elevation, about 4300 feet, which makes breathing for a fat guy a little easier.  While the elevation in Page went down the temperature shot way up.  This evening while we were taking a ride around town to check things out it was 103 degrees.  People say yes, but it's a dry heat.  I say it may be dry but it is still hot as hell.

I don't think Europe is suffering from an economic slow down to the extent some parts of the U.S. are due to the number or European tourists that we have encountered on our travels.  At the south rim of the Grand Canyon I would estimate 75% of the people we were in contact with were from Europe. In the RV park today I have also met several other families from Europe.

Here are the pictures from our travels today.  Hope you like them.


We saw a lot of solar panels on roofs or in yards today.  On houses like this one it was to reduce their electric bill but on some of the houses on the Navajo land it was used because they lived in too remote of an area to have electricity.  At least that's what we were told by a lady who ran a Navajo jewelry stand.

 This was neat to see.  Huli grabbed the camera and got this picture that came up on us really fast.  The person was actually chasing about five horses but we didn't have time to get off another picture.

Route 89 had passing lanes every so many miles but on highway 160 and 98 it was pretty much just two lanes and you passed as you could.  I got passed much more than I passed.  In fact I passed one semi truck and trailer.  You don't typically do much passing in a motorhome.   I am not sure how we finished up for miles per gallon.  I checked it periodically and we were getting around 8.3 to 8.5 but I didn't check after we pulled in to our site to see what the final figure for the day was.  I ran 66 mph when I was able to. 

This coal fired power plant is just a few miles from the dam.  I believe the dam is why the town of Page, AZ was originally established.

This is the view from the front of our motorhome sitting at the picnic table.
We went for a ride at around 4:30 pm here which is 7:30 back in Warsaw.  Sure glad to see it is cooling down.  It's only 103 now.
This is the Glen Canyon dam on the Colorado River which is just down the street from where we are staying.  This dam is what formed Lake Powell.  The dam construction was started in 1956 and finished in 1966.