Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Today Brewing Bud, The Farmers Market, and Sweetie Pies

It stormed here from about 4:00 am on so Sydney was up shaking the entire bed from being so afraid of the thunder and lighting.  Since it continued to rain throughout the morning we decided to do the brewery tour today thinking most of it would be inside.  After the tour we drove around St Louis a while and stopped at the Soulard Farmers Market that has been in existence since 1779.  After the farmers market we went back to the motorhome and took the dogs for a walk.  In the early evening we took off again for a restaurant in west central St Louis called Sweetie Pies to have something you can't get in Warsaw, Indiana, soul food.  We heard about this restaurant from the Food Network show Diners, Drive Ins and Dives.  Seemed like a place we would like so we decided to give it a try.  Below are the pictures from our activities today. 

Route 66 is just down the road from where we are staying.

 Maybe I will wear what is in the bag and my fluorescent tee shirts a little less.  More than likely not though.  Believe it or not Janet already limits how often I wear them because she hides them after she does laundry until she feels enough time has gone by for me to wear them again.  Then I wear them until she hides them again.

Seeing the horses was my favorite part of the tour.  I doubt there are horses anywhere in the world better kept than these animals.

 All Clydesdale's for Budweiser have bodies that are a certain color of brown white on the lower part of their legs and black tails and manes.

 This is the tack room. 

This clock tower was built in I believe 1892.  The buildings were as interesting as the beer making process.

 This character was used to promote a drink they made here during prohibition.  You see it on a lot of things around the older buildings.

 The interiors of the older buildings were amazing
 I believe they said this line was running Beck's beer

 Huli and I getting ready to have our two complimentary brews after the tour.  Huli tried a margarita beer and a strawberry beer.  She is a real beer drinker don't ya know.  Not. 

We parked down the street from the restaurant a block or so.  It's on the right side of the street on the next corner.
Huli and I are on the same diet we were on the last time I took a picture of our dinner.   I had two vegetables.  Three if corn bread counts.  The cabbage was over the top.  Oh I forgot I had a fruit too. It's in the banana pudding.  The dinner was very good but we needed boxes to take half of it home. 

 This area is called the Grove and the restaurant is on the corner of Manchester Ave. and Tower Grove Ave.   Technically the restaurant is called Sweetie Pies At the Mangrove but people we talked to just called it Sweetie Pies.

We are going to do the arch tomorrow.  We may go back to the Grove area also since when we were at Sweetie Pie's we saw about four large motorhomes pulling big trailers which means bands were coming into the area.  I think they were getting ready for some kind of music festival.   We'll find out tomorrow.