Saturday, July 16, 2011

And this is what I say.......

Those damn Greenheads have eaten the crap out of my arms and legs. I just got over the Noseeum's bites and now once again I look like I walked straight in to a Porcupine.   We took the dogs for their exercise trip this morning and as God is my witness (I walked closer to the tree line following Tanner-as we take their leash off to let them run----which by the way is against the law, like that has ever stopped us before)I felt as if I was in some kind of bug spray commercial.  I looked down and just on one leg had 6 to 7 freaken Greenheads on my left leg.  I felt as if I should stop, drop and roll.  OMG!!  Finally we found an Avon outlet today and bought them out of their biggest bottles of Skin So Soft.  If I have to walk around looking like I haven't had a shower in days, so be it.  Skin So Soft or being bitten like I'm the last human on earth? That's a no brainer. People can call me a greaser; I really don't care. I suppose once we hit the pool here (where they ask you to wash off before entering the pool) and it looks like there has been an oil spill in the pool, I'll back off the Skin So Soft a little. Maybe. Until later......Janet