Tuesday, July 12, 2011

The Frozen Pot Roast

Jack recently shared with you about the frozen pot roast hitting me on top of the head.  It did.  It hurt like a friggen hammer to the head.  I screamed, saw stars and cried like a little girl.  Jack opened the freezer door and as had happened numerous times previously that darn roast fell; this time I was bent down putting water bottles in the fridge.  I saw blackness and stars and knew instantly what had happened.  I babied my goose egg for a few days.

What Jack didn't tell you was that a few days earlier he had hit his head and had a horrible gash the size of a 50 cent piece on the back of his head.  I didn't even realize he had hurt himself until I saw the bloody silver hair.  I wanted him to go to the hospital but he''s like, "No big deal.  It'll be fine."  He didn't mention it again.  I could, of course, see his huge wound for many days.  No complaints.  Me, I whined for days about my little goose eggs.