Monday, February 6, 2012

Chelsea's appearance on the Today's Show

For those of you who know our son, Jason,  may know that he is seeing a wonderful and beautiful young lady named Chelsea.  She works and lives in Indianapolis or Noblesville; somewhere down there.  She's told me probably 5 times but I'm lucky to remember where I live half the time. 

Anyway, she was in the background audience of the Today's show that was filmed in Indianapolis before the Super Bowl.  Here is the link:   C-R-A-P!!!!!

We all know that I am totally computer illiterate.  So, guess what? I cannot get the link Chelsea sent me to open up in this blog.  If you are interested go to the Today's show filmed in Indy.  You will see a lady in a pink ball cap.  Chelsea is the gal behind her holding the sign Hello Warsaw!  If you slow the show down you can see Chelsea in her gray hoodie. I think she's the best looking one in the crowd!