Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Sharing some of my old pictures to see if our new mifi hotspot uploads better

I thought I would try posting a few random pictures I have in my library. Wanted to see if the new 4g hotspot that is operating at 3g works any better than our older 3g model that was operating at much slower than 3g in our current Florida location.  These downloaded fairly quickly so I will need to start taking pictures again.  Couldn't handle doing it before at the slow speeds.  Alot of times it wouldn't download the pictures at all since the speed was so slow.   I am sorry for the fact that some readers may not recognize some of these faces.  More new pictures to come.

One of my favorite pictures I have ever taken.

Scandal..  The most confident and fearless dog we have ever had.  RIP

One of  two times in New York City where I thought we maybe had gone too far.  This is looking at a multi story escalator in Brooklyn that took us several stories underground.  Woops.  The other time was when we missed our subway stop and wound up out in Queens where we obviously should not have been before getting a subway back into the city.

Tanner or "Grumpy Gus" as he is now known by needs a little dental work to move that tooth in.

The glue that holds it all together

Me and my boys

Everything is bigger in the big apple.

Spirit the fat bastard who hates me but I love. He was Janet's mom's cat but now belongs to Jason.

The Miller boys in front of the parents tombstone in Dubois, PA.  Obviously I am the younger, larger, and better looking one on the right.  You would have thought we could have dressed up for the occasion.   Mom and Dad would have said come as you are..  No problem. 
Me and my no longer boys.  Man! Where did the time go??

This is very close to the time my dear wife said those famous words "This is the worst Birthday I have ever had." and a few days from her other famous statement " Oh Miss, she's bucking".  The boys and I will never let her forget saying those little gems.