Friday, February 3, 2012

A Dog's Life

In this park, if you don't own a dog or two you are indeed the odd man out.  Dogs of all kinds, sizes, colors, temperaments, etc. Tanner and Sydney, once they are gently introduced to others, seem to do okay.  We have noticed one really cute thing.  Well, to us it's cute but I'm sure to the owners of the other dogs, not quite so much.  We try to take them to the dog park everyday so that they can get some exercise off of their leash.  Now those of you who know how Jack Miller ticks will know that in his mind there is nothing in his world that can't be resolved satisfactorily.  That includes our dogs becoming buddies with the neighborhood dogs regardless of size.  I think I mentioned in an earlier post that poor Sydney was traumatized when Jack walked her in to the lion's den at the dog bark a few weeks back.  She was the light and the other dogs were the bugs. SWOOP!!! You've never seen a dog's butt hit the ground so fast as Sydney's did that day.  We all know how dogs tell if another dog is friend or foe.  Sydney knows too and she did not want 13 dogs noses up her butt.  However, Jack and I have switched our walking buddies.  He has Tanner to help train his barking obsession and I have Sydney.  So anyhow we were walking by the dog park.  I don't take the dogs in anymore when other dogs are there.  BUT Jack, who seems to know everyone here, tells me that Shylo, the Golden Retriever who is in the park plays well with Tanner and Sydney.  No worries, right?   Jack immediately takes Tanner off of his leash and Shylo comes after him to sniff his "personality." Tanner retreats under the picnic table.  Shylo's owner throws out a toy for Shylo to fetch. I quietly take Sydney off of her leash so she can sniff her surroundings.  Shylo brings back the toy to her owner but quickly realizes that Sydney is off her leash and proceeds to pounce.  Butt drops to the ground and Sydney begins to shake as she does when she is frightened.  Say what you want about old dogs but our old dog Tanner wasn't having any of Shylo's crap when it came to his kid sister.  Tanner charges Shylo barking as if he was going to rip Shylo to shreds.  Sydney sees Tanner charging Shylo and knows darn well with one large bite from Shylo Tanner would be in trouble.  Soooooooooooooo, baby girl does her chattering teeth routine, landing a nip or two on Shylo's nose.  After that all is well  in doggie play town.  Like Jack said tonight; "Alone they are big chickens; together they are fierce!"

I have gotten to know Winston and J.J. since they took us for a walk last week.  Yesterday I was visiting JoAnn for a few minutes.  Both dogs wanted my attention but since J.J. is the dominant one his head was in my lap for petting more than not.  HOWEVER, Winston finally had enough.....He wanted some petting.  So, Winston (who by the way outweighs J.J. by 14 lbs.) simply wiggled his way under the table and proceeded to bite at J.J.'s legs.  J.J.'s head went under the table to persuade Winston to stop but Winston was too quick.  Out he came the other way and landed his huge head on my lap and refused to move.   As you can tell I love animals.  And these two boxer's are very special .  Here are some more pics of them with Wally, their dad.

This is our neighbor Wally from across the street who helped guide Jack into our site that I didn't think we would fit into.  Wally and his wife JoAnn are great.  He is an ex Marine and drove a city bus in Manhattan for 32 years.  Wally acts just like an ex Marine who drove a bus in Manhattan for 32 years would act.  We hit it off immediately.  They stay here in Florida for six months and then return to their 17 acre spread in upstate New York for six months during the summer.