Monday, February 6, 2012

Sydney and her little escape from the home front

Most of you know or have met Sydney.  She is little but certainly has a mind of her own.  Seriously.  For those of you who don't have dogs just skip this will not get it.

Yesterday, we brought JoAnn and Wally a cinnamon roll home too.  I figured if we were going to get sick I was bringing someone else down with us.  And to be honest I am a little sick today but the other 3 are having a good day so it must not have been the rolls.

Okay, back to the point.  Instead of coming straight in to the RV I treked across the street to JoAnn's.   I was loving on Winston and J.J. at the door, telling Winston to get back in to the RV when he come outside to say "hello."  He listened...

Out of the corner of my eye I see a flash of white.  I look and see Sydney barrelling butt across the road  towards me.  I scream,  "Sydney!"  I'm so good under pressure.  Jack follows close behind her.  He yells at her to get back "here. NOW!"  She, honest to goodness, puts on the skids, turns on a dime, runs back across the street (WITHOUT LOOKING AGAIN!) and straight in to the RV.  When we walk in she is spread out on the sofa and looks at us as if to say, "What? I'm just chillin here!"

Today Jack is golfing and I had planned to go on a long bike ride by myself.  Didn't want to go with the group today and take a chance of almost or actually schmucking someone else. But truthfully, we partied too much on Super Bowl Sunday and my stomach is telling me so today.  So, I'm just "chillin" watching old episodes of Law and Order.   OOOOOOOhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, retirement.....Isn't it great?  I know, I know I should spend that hour cleaning while Jack's out and not under foot but since he is so willing to help with the cleaning I'm thinking I'll wait.

GO ELI!!!!

Grumpy Gus and little Miss Biotch!