Tuesday, March 1, 2011

March 1st - Laundry day and misc fix it and take the sisters to dinner.

Not much to report today other than the great news that our sons retina reattachment eye surgery went well.    When we got up the power was off so we went on a bike ride along the ocean.  After our bike trip we made a run to Radio Shack for the afternoon project I would be working on then went to the laundry mat.  The laundry is Hulio's favorite activity.  Laundry days are farther apart with the warmer weather since we both mainly wear shorts and I haven't worn socks for almost two weeks now.  The only good thing about going to the laundry mat is that we seem to always find them next to Mexican restaurants.  While the clothes are tumbling we are eating tacos and drinking margaritas.  Makes the task so much easier to handle.  Once we got back to the 5th wheel I started my project of installing a fan on the top outside vent of our refrigerator.  The idea of the new fan is it will help draw more air into the bottom vent across the refrigerator coils and out the top vent.  Got the fan, fuse, switch, wire, connectors, etc. at Radio Shack.  The 12v fan is made for a computer but has been used by others for this purpose.  I had already researched refrigerator drawings and wiring schematics so the job went well and only took about one hour.  For those of you that don't know rv refrigerators are different than normal house refrigerators.  Ours is 9 cu. ft. costs about $1600 plus labor to replace and runs on 110v electricity whenever we are plugged into power. But then it will automatically switch to propane when we are traveling down the road or, as this morning, the power goes out.  While our freezer works great I noticed in the hotter more humid weather (and we aren't running the air conditioner) the refrigerator has been over 40 degrees for some periods especially when the door is opened often or you put pop or other large warm items in it .  The temperature of the refrigerator is constantly displayed so it's very easy to monitor this.  We'll see how the new fan works.  I made provisions for a second fan if needed.   Believe or not as I have learned this is not an uncommon problem among rv'ers.  Many of the large motor homes actually have regular household refrigerators and inverters to get away from the rv type refrigerator.

After the refrigerator project was complete we went out to eat Chinese with my two sisters Carol and Lori.

Don't you just love the markets with the volitility back.  With conditional trading platforms you don't even need to watch what's going on.  Just place and forget.  
Below are a few of the pictures we took today.

Gabe, here is the navy ship I saw while talking to you this morning.