Monday, March 7, 2011

March 7, 2011 Jacksonville, Florida

I wrote this blog entry once already....and I lost it. Talk about my blood pressure sky rocketing! So I'm going to try and remember this past week so that I may share some of the highlights.

We, of course, have spent several evenings with Carol and Lori.  We've had some fabulous visits and shared some delicious food.  The 1st night out they took us to a Chinese restaurant (at our request).  Hands down it was the best Chinese restaurant I have ever been to.  The food was high quality and extremely tasty, not to mention the tons of variety offered. Wonderful. Jason would have loved it; all kinds of sushi.  I passed on that crap.  The next night we were treated to a Mexican buffet.  Jack's not crazy about Mexican food but we women seemed to enjoy it. On Friday evening we invited Carol and Lori to our campsite for dinner.  Jack prepared shish kabobs with chicken, steak, shrimp, onions, green peppers, fresh mushrooms and smoked sausage.  Absolutely a home run!!  Carol's 65th birthday was Saturday, so we, along with Carol and Lori and 5 of their close friends went to Barbara Jean's restaurant.  Again, awesome menu and excellent dinner company.  The place was packed and didn't take reservations.  The food is THAT good. 

This past Sunday, the day after Carol's birthday, we spent the good part of at Carols and Loris.  I did laundry and felt as if it was Christmas Day.  Doing laundry in a clean washer and dryer!!! OMG!  I was thrilled. And the clothes smelled strangely familiar.  What was that smell??  Uhmmmmmm...Oh, I know.  Clean. Fresh.  That good ole Downy smell.  We made a quick trip to Costco and it was all @#@holes and elbows.  I do believe most of Jacksonville was at Costco Sunday. And since I was on a short leash (can't buy anything in bulk-due to space in the RV) everyone was ticking me off.  To give the day a perfect ending Carol fixed a wonderful pork roast dinner with all of the trimmings. By the time we rolled out of the parking lot Sunday evening I do believe I had gained 10 lbs in a week.

This evening Jack and I went to see Just Go With It, with Adam Sandler and Jennifer Aniston.  Funny, funny show.  Loved it.  We were the only two people in the whole theater.  We were going to go out for dinner but after the huge bucket of popcorn I was stuffed.

Some misc pictures to follow:

Looking up through the trees on our campsite.