Sunday, March 20, 2011

Our last day in Brunswick, Georgia

We had planned to go biking today in historical Brunswick but Mother Nature kept a thin blanket of dark clouds around most of the day so we decided against it.  After a late breakfast and a walk with the pups we hopped in the truck and headed back to St. Simons Island.   We went to some of the areas we didn't get to see when we were on our bikes.   There are some very elegant and beautiful homes on St. Simons and a ton of private jets sitting at the airport and yachts floating at dock side.  It's definitely a money island.  Jack and I chatted at length yesterday with a couple who is also camping.  He (the man) told Jack that he owned a home on St. Simons and someone just walked up to his front door one day wanting to buy his home.  He had purchased the home 7 years earlier for $169,000.00.  Sold it for over $600,000.00.   Not a bad investment, I'd say.

We met this couple (the ones who sold their home) while walking on the dock here in the campground yesterday.  I was engaged in conversation with the lady, Jack with the man.  I had just taken a drink when I heard the man say to Jack, " About 85% of my job requires me to be on my knees."  I blew Diet Pepsi out of my nose and looked at Jack as his hand flew to his face to cover the hysterical laughter that was about to escape from his mouth.  I got to laughing at Jack so hard I peed my pants.  And then this guy says to Jack, "Well, I guess that sounded gay, huh?"  Da!  You think?  And then the guy's wife says as she points over her shoulder, "Yea, and look how gay his bike is!"  These people had us in stitches and we walked away feeling like we had known them forever.  A total hoot!  By the way in case you are wondering his job was that of a "low voltage electrician"  sound systems, security systems and sprinkler systems.

The week here in Brunswick has been very nice.  We've enjoyed the bike rides, the sight seeing tremendously.  The park we are in is very nice with really huge sites, wild bunny rabbits, tons of squirrels (that little Sydney loves chasing up the trees), friendly people and some beautiful scenery.  However, the roads are not paved and the dust has me coughing every time we walk the dogs.  Sooooooooo, I will not miss the dust at all. Nor will we miss the smell. I grew up in a paper mill town; Chillicothe, Ohio and the Mead Paper Company. Living there I didn't really notice the smell.  Can't say as a kid I knew our air was laden with a stinky odor and pollutants.  It was what it was. My dad worked there along with some other relatives.  It wasn't until Jack was somewhere on a business trip that I realized how badly Chillicothe must smell.  A man at Jack's table said to everyone, "The worst smelling city I've ever visited is Chillicothe, Ohio."  That's been some years ago and recent trips back to my hometown have been void of a smelly atmosphere (or at least I didn't notice it) but trust me, Brunswick has stolen Chillicothe's thunder.  A change of wind can bring some nausea to the ole' stomach.  As I sit here with the windows closed and the air on I can tell Brunswick's celuose paper mill is running full force.  I'll bet the use of air fresheners is off the charts in Brunswick, Georgia.  P-U!

No pictures today.  Until next time....................