Sunday, March 27, 2011

March 27, 2011 Our 40th!!! Who Would Have Thunk It

 Today we celebrated our 40th wedding anniversary. When we were married all of those years ago neither of us could comprehend being 40 years old, let alone being married 40 years.  And our two sons have made it all worth every second. 

I haven't written in awhile simply because I haven't done anything to write about.  I have mentioned the Noseeums to you and to be quite honest they have bitten me so many times my whole focus seems to be on staying out of their way and doctoring the bites I have already. I was having such a wonderful pity party when yesterday I noticed Jack's legs.  I didn't feel so bad any longer.   And he uses insect repellent.   Naturally they are native to Southeastern Georgia and are active 6 weeks in the Spring and 6 weeks in the Fall. These are a particularly nasty type of bug that they call sand gnats around here.  The reason they are in SE Geogia is due to the salt marshes.   Insect repellent isn't very effective even if it contains deet.  The locals say the most effective thing to use is Skin So Soft lotion sold by Avon which we couldn't find.  Dryer sheets are also said to work about as well as anything,  Go figure.  We are certainly learning as we go. Be prepared next time and or stay out of Savannah in the Spring and the Fall.  Check. 

Today we took a Dolphin sightseeing tour.  We were treated to many sightings of Dolphins in their natural habitat.  Beautiful.  As we were out viewing the Dolphins a storm came upon our boat very quickly.  The captain ask that everyone sit down so he could try to out run the storm as he headed back to shore.  Didn't work.  As you can see from Jack's pictures the sky was a beautiful blue as we headed out to open waters so everyone "sightseeing" wanted the seats they felt was the best for viewing the intended subjects. Jack and I did not want to be out in the sun so we sat under the canopy and still had very unobstructed views.  BUT once the sky opened up and the rain came every single person aboard tried huddling under a very small covered space.  I never moved.  I was soaked to the skin but I was not moving.  The life jackets were just a reach away and I wasn't going to let them out of my sight.  When we finally docked, soaked, cold but safe I had to apologize to some passenger on the boat.  Each time a big gust of wind came along (and it was several) I was tossed in to this guy's backside as he was standing next to me.   I apologized for getting all up in his business and told him I felt as if we should at least know each others name after what we had just been through. 

We found our way back to the truck, in the rain, which was parked several blocks away from River St. While on the way home we ran through a horrific rain and hail storm.  It was so bad that cars were just stopping in their lanes on a 6 lane highway because visibility was zero. Jack was able to snap a picture of the hail on the road.  Some of the hail was so big and sounded so loud I thought for sure the windshield was going to break.  

Back at home we tried to comfort Sydney as she shook like a wind up toy from fear of the loud thunder and rain.  Jack made dinner, we cleaned up and thanked God for the blessings he has shown us through these 40 years.  Especially thankful for our sons.

This is a picture taken from Bay St.  looking down at the Savannah River

Huli getting ready to eat lunch and doing her best pose for the camera

Me unfortunately not posing

This is a picture of River St. where many shops and restaurants are.  Opposite the shops is the river.

Looking back as we leave Savannah for our dolfin boat tour

One of the big ships on the river

Container ship we passed

Once you saw the dolfin you didn't have time to get a good picture

The captain is trying to out run the storm but it didn't work

A couple of pictures as we walked back to the truck that you can see in the distance.

We got just a little wet between the boat ride and the walk back. 

On our ride back home we ran into a large hail storm.  At one point we thought the front windshield was going to break.  To think we started the day with blue sky and over 80 degrees.